going the extra mile

No matter what your vehicle needs, we do our best to have you drive away with exactly what you want. We go the extra mile and are transparent and honest in all of our dealings with customers.

“I try to take every job as if it were a story that will be kept around forever. Something that people will always remember.” - Steve Quintana

Photo of steve quintana’s father’s ‘65 Impala SS.

Cars & Autobody run in our veins

Growing up, my dad repaired, painted, and restored cars. I watched him all through those years and loved seeing what he created. His pride and joy was his ‘65 Chevy Impala SS. And, man, I loved that car.

The Impala SS made such an impact on me that I purchased one of my own, and used it’s beautiful body lines as the logo of Quintana Autobody.

It wasn’t until I was 19 years old that I dug out my dads old painting equipment and decided it was time that carried that torch. I fell in love with the process of taking something that was broken and making it good-as-new, or even better than new. Since then, I have never looked back and have honed my skills for years. Having managed Wesco Automotive Paint & Equipment Supply in Idaho Falls for years, my skills and knowledge having only grown exponentially.

Whether it’s repairing a family minivan or giving a muscle car the paint job it deserves, I truly love doing everything I can to get my customers on that road in a vehicle that they can be proud of.

- Steve Quintana, 2020

get your car fixed the right way!

Call us today to schedule your estimate.